Book shop visits!

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One of the lovely things about being a writer is the opportunity to visit bookshops and take part in book events. And I must say, the longer I’ve been writing the more I enjoy this part of the process. I meet new readers, but I also meet readers who I might only have have had contact with via social media or email. While these events often coincide with a new book coming out, some readers arrive with copies of earlier books to sign, and it’s always a pleasure to see dog eared books you have written - it shows they’ve been read!

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Bookshop visits are also an opportunity to catch up with lovely local author friends. In this photo, Cassie Hamer (After the Party and The End of Cuthbert Close), Claudia Tennelis (a writer of contemporary fiction and host of the entertaining and informative podcast, Talking Aussie Books - if you haven’t listened to this podcast of author interviews, I highly recommend it!), Anna and I are showing off our frocks!

Talking to readers and answering their questions makes me feel extremely grateful that I’ve been given this opportunity to share my characters with others who have enjoyed reading their stories as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them ❤️❤️❤️

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At this recent event, we were at the fabulous Anna’s Around the Corner, a glorious cafe and bookshop in Cronulla, a seaside suburb on the outskirts of Sydney. Anna loves books, pure and simple, and it is a delight to share this love of books at one of her (highly celebrated!) book events. And can you believe Anna actually crocheted the beautiful poppies to celebrate the release of Starting From Scratch? What a wonderful memento I have of this visit (in addition to listening to David and his bagpipes!)